

Generation Malawi

Generation Malawi is a joint UK Medical Research Council (MRC GCRF) and Wellcome funded longitudinal study of mental and physical health in families in Malawi.

Healthy Lives Malawi

Healthy lives Malawi Project is to create an intergenerational longitudinal population study of chronic conditions in rural and urban Malawi, leveraging substantial existing research infrastructure, to address the lack of high-quality longitudinal-data on chronic conditions in low income sub-Saharan Africa.

COVID-19 Research

MEIRU have made vital contributions to understanding the nature and impacts of COVID-19 in Malawi. Taking advantage of its existing research infrastructure, MEIRU has been able to:


DIPLOMATIC. Using eviDence, Implementation science, and a clinical trial PLatform to Optimise MATernal and newborn health in lICs (Low Income Countries).

Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
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